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We have all the details on this revolutionary new beauty treatment. From what it is to how it works, we have you covered!

Have Any Questions?

Check out these frequently asked questions! 

Everyone has a different pain tolerance level. However, it should be less painful compared to the Microblading procedure.


Typically two sessions apart for virgin and yearly maintenance depends on skin conditions.


Depending on the skin condition, Nanoblading usually fades to low saturation as time passes.



We believe every individual has a significant style that could represent themselves in daily basics. The target outcome of the Nanoblading treatment is an office commute makeup. If needed, you’re welcome to apply makeup on top of the nanoblding treatment for the occasion.


Yes, in most cases. However, we still recommend client to set up a consultation appointment before booking the treatment.

Any individual has undergone chemotherapy, diabetes, Thyroid condition, and glaucoma. Before booking, you must set up a consultation appointment with a doctor’s clearance paper.


Ladies and Gentlemen who are over legal age 18, who is able clearly understanding and making permanent tattoo decision by herself/himself, would able to receive treatment after signing the body art liability waiver form.  If any individual who is under age 18, you must bring at least one legal guardian who approves  and signs the body art liability waiver form.

If you have medical conditions as below, Unfortunately you may not be a good candidate for any body art treatment.

Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Allergies to topical anesthetics, metal accessories, or pigment
Keloid scarring
Eczema, Psoriasis, Rashes, Severe Acne around/in the Treatment Area
If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or hepatitis
Accutane in the past year
Viral infections and/ or diseases
Chemical peel within the last few weeks
Medications, treatments, or illness that compromises the immune system
Diabetes, Chemotherapy, and any other medical conditions consult your doctor (must provide doctor’s note)
Botox near brows within four weeks
LIP BLUSH TATTOO: No Lip Filler done within four weeks of blush lip tattoo appointment. Any history of cold sores will require an antiviral prescription from your doctor for prevention. No sunburned lips.